{{----}} @foreach($ssrList as $ssr) @endforeach {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} @foreach($ssrList as $ssr) @endforeach @php $paxIn = $paxInInf = $paxOut = $paxOutInf = $delayTotal = 0 @endphp @php $totalFlights = 0 @endphp @php $ssrTotalsDep = $ssrTotalsArr = [] @endphp @foreach ($flights as $k => $items) {{-- @foreach ($flights->lines as $k => $line)--}} {{-- @php $items = $line->getFlights() @endphp --}} @php $depFlight = $depFn = $depAp = $arrAp = $depAC = null @endphp @php $in = $inInf = $out = $outInf = $dlTotal = 0 @endphp @if (count($items) == 2) @php $depFlight = $items[0] @endphp @php $depAp = getFlightDepartureAirport($depFlight, false, true) @endphp @php $arrAp = getFlightArrivalAirport($depFlight, false, true) @endphp @php $depSTD = $depFlight->std && $depFlight->std != EMPTY_DATETIME ? date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($depFlight->std)) : null @endphp @php $depSTDDate = $depSTD ? date("Y-m-d", strtotime($depSTD)) : null @endphp @php $depFn = getFlightNumberFull($depFlight->flightNumber) @endphp @php $depAC = getFlightAircraft($depFlight) @endphp @php $depACType = getFlightAircraftType($depFlight) @endphp @php $arrFlight = $items[1] @endphp @php $arrFN = getFlightNumberFull($arrFlight->flightNumber) @endphp @php $arrDepAp = getFlightDepartureAirport($arrFlight, false, true) @endphp @php $arrSTA = $arrFlight->sta && $arrFlight->sta != EMPTY_DATETIME ? date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($arrFlight->sta)) : null @endphp @php $arrSTADate = $arrSTA ? date("Y-m-d", strtotime($arrSTA)) : null @endphp {{--Departure Flight--}} {{-- --}} {{--Arrival flight ATA--}} {{--Departure flight ATD--}} {{--DELAYS OUT--}} @php list($codes, $times, $dlTotal) = getFlightDelays($depFlight) @endphp @if (count($codes)) @else @endif {{--- PAX IN---}} {{--- PAX OUT---}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{--Arrival Flight--}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{--SSR--}} @foreach($ssrList as $ssr) {{--IN--}} @if ($arrFlight->ssr_ready && isset($arrFlight->ssr_ready[$ssr])) @php $s = $arrFlight->ssr_ready[$ssr] @endphp @if (!isset($ssrTotalsArr[$ssr])) @php $ssrTotalsArr[$ssr] = 0 @endphp @endif @php $ssrTotalsArr[$ssr] += $s @endphp @else @endif {{--OUT--}} @if ($depFlight->ssr_ready && isset($depFlight->ssr_ready[$ssr])) @php $s = $depFlight->ssr_ready[$ssr] @endphp @if (!isset($ssrTotalsDep[$ssr])) @php $ssrTotalsDep[$ssr] = 0 @endphp @endif @php $ssrTotalsDep[$ssr] += $s @endphp @else @endif @endforeach {{--Counters--}} @if ($depFlight->cancelled_at) @else @endif @php $totalFlights++ @endphp @else @php $flight = $items[0] @endphp @php $fn = getFlightNumberFull($flight->flightNumber) @endphp @if ($flight->type == DEPARTURE) @php $ac = getFlightAircraft($flight) @endphp @php $acType = getFlightAircraftType($flight) @endphp @php $depAp = getFlightDepartureAirport($flight, false, true) @endphp @php $arrAp = getFlightArrivalAirport($flight, false, true) @endphp {{----}} {{--Departure Flight--}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{--Arrival flight ATA--}} {{--Departure flight ATD--}} {{--Departure Flight--}} {{-- --}} @php list($codes, $times, $dlTotal) = getFlightDelays($flight) @endphp @if (count($codes)) @else @endif {{--- PAX IN---}} {{--- PAX OUT---}} @foreach($ssrList as $ssr) {{--IN--}} {{--OUT--}} @if ($flight->ssr_ready && isset($flight->ssr_ready[$ssr])) @php $s = $flight->ssr_ready[$ssr] @endphp @if (!isset($ssrTotalsDep[$ssr])) @php $ssrTotalsDep[$ssr] = 0 @endphp @endif @php $ssrTotalsDep[$ssr] += $s @endphp @else @endif @endforeach {{--Counters--}} @if ($flight->cancelled_at) @else @endif @php $totalFlights++ @endphp @else {{-- {{ debug("unmatched flight: {$fn} ". getFlightArrivalInitialDate($flight)) }}--}} @endif @endif @php $paxIn += ($in ? $in : 0) @endphp @php $paxInInf += ($inInf ? $inInf : 0) @endphp @php $paxOut += ($out ? $out : 0) @endphp @php $paxOutInf += ($outInf ? $outInf : 0) @endphp @php $delayTotal += ($dlTotal ? doubleval($dlTotal) : 0) @endphp @endforeach @foreach($ssrList as $ssr) @endforeach
No@lang("content.date") @lang("content.station") Flight A/C Reg A/C Type I/B FLT No. ATA ATD Delay / Reason PAX{{ $ssr }}No. Of CKIN
No. of Staff NotesAdd.
Delay Minutes Ind.Min IN INF OUT INFIN OUTBy Date Time Received at Reason
{{ getFlightDepartureInitialDate($depFlight, true)}}{{ $depAp }} @if ($depFlight->cancelled_at) {{ $depFn }} (Cancelled) @else {{ $depFn }} @endif {{ $depAC }}{{ $depFlight->parent_id }}{{ $depACType }} @if ($arrFlight->cancelled_at) {{ $arrFN }} (Cancelled) @else {{ $arrFN }} @endif {{ $arrFlight->ata && $arrFlight->ata != EMPTY_DATETIME ? baseTimeFormat($arrFlight->ata) : "" }}{{ $depFlight->atd && $depFlight->atd != EMPTY_DATETIME ? baseTimeFormat($depFlight->atd) : "" }}DL {{ implode("/", $codes) }} {{ implode("/", $times) }} {{ $dlTotal }} {{ $in = getFlightPaxTotal($arrFlight, true) }} {{ $inInf = $arrFlight->pax_inf_actual }}{{ $out = getFlightPaxTotal($depFlight, true) }} {{ $outInf = $depFlight->pax_inf_actual }}{{ $arrAp }}{{ baseTimeFormat($depSTD) }}{{ $arrFN }}{{ $arrDepAp }}{{ ($depSTDDate != $arrSTADate ? $arrSTADate." " : ""). baseTimeFormat($arrSTA) }}{{ $s }}{{ $s }} @if ($depFlight->ckin_num) {{ $depFlight->ckin_num }} @endif @if ($arrFlight->ckin_num) / {{ $arrFlight->ckin_num }} @endif {{ $depFlight->sla }} {{ $depFlight->remark }}{{ getUserName($depFlight->updatedBy) }} {{ date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($depFlight->cancelled_at)) ?? "" }} {{ date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($depFlight->cancellation_received_at)) ?? "" }} {{ $depFlight->remark }}
{{ $k + 1 }}{{ getFlightDepartureInitialDate($flight, true) }}{{ $depAp }} @if ($flight->cancelled_at) {{ $fn }} (Cancelled) @else {{ $fn }} @endif {{ $arrAp }}{{ $ac }} {{ $acType }}| {{ $flight->parent_id }} {{ $flight->atd && $flight->atd != EMPTY_DATETIME ? baseTimeFormat($flight->atd) : "" }}{{ $flight->std && $flight->std != EMPTY_DATETIME ? baseTimeFormat($flight->std) : "" }}DL {{ implode("/", $codes) }} {{ implode("/", $times) }} {{ $dlTotal }} {{ $out = getFlightPaxTotal($flight, true) }} {{ $outInf = $flight->pax_inf_actual }}{{ $s }}{{ $flight->ckin_num }} {{ $flight->sla }} {{ $flight->remark }}{{ getUserName($flight->updatedBy) }} {{ date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($flight->cancelled_at)) ?? "" }} {{ date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($flight->cancellation_received_at)) ?? "" }} {{ $flight->remark }}
FLIGHTS {{ $totalFlights }} DELAY {{ $delayTotal }} {{ $paxIn }} {{ $paxInInf }} {{ $paxOut }} {{ $paxOutInf }}{{ isset($ssrTotalsArr[$ssr]) ? $ssrTotalsArr[$ssr] : "" }} {{ isset($ssrTotalsDep[$ssr]) ? $ssrTotalsDep[$ssr] : "" }}