Staff License Expiry Notification ({{ $reminderTitle }})

The following staff License/Approval has expired/due to expire as per below details:

@php $j = 0 @endphp @foreach($staffLicenses as $i => $item) @if (!$item || !$item->user || !$item->license) @continue @endif @php $user = $item->user @endphp @php $license = $item->license @endphp @php $expired = strtotime($item->expiry_date) < strtotime($today) @endphp @endforeach
No First Name Last Name Station License Expiry Date
{{ ++$j }} {{ $user->first_name }} {{ $user->last_name }} {{ getUserLocationAirport($user) }} {{ $license->name }} ({{ $license->abbr }}) {{ $item->expiry_date }}

Please take appropriate action/s to renew the same and update the records.

Please do not reply to this auto-generated email.

Thank You.
